Bearded Giants

Someday we'll have a cover folk band, for now here are some pictures.

A lot to catch up on!

So you know how I was going to update once a week? A snippet of our lives once a week? Man I got behind. It started when weeks were not that interesting and then they got busy, but really I just let it fall away. So here we go again.


We went to California to see my family. He was so sweet I gave him the window seat.


Who knew Bakersfield, CA could have such beautiful sunsets…actually I did, it’s all the smog.


And then it snowed! A lot for us in Portland! My friend got stranded at our house it made for a fun weekend.


It was all fun and games until it all turned into an icy death trap.


And then my sweet sister stayed with us for a whole week! So much tea and so much sister friendship. Every year we get closer.

Long. Long Week.

The title says it all. This has been a week of waiting without any answers. Random sick days. Lots of stormy weather. I’m ready to know. No adventure this week.


the view through the little door in the door

Imagejust feel as though I am trying to fit through here this week

New Year/New Goals

At the end of 2013 I realized that we did not do a good job of documenting our life. Lots of cell phone photos but nothing substantial except for a few here and there. A goal for 2014 is more photos; lots of photos; weekly photos. Reminding myself to ask people to take pictures of us so that all of our photos don’t end up as selfies. So here we go:


Devil’s Punchbowl


a view inside.




my sexy husband in his hot sunglasses.



a couple of love birds.




the rocky northern coast.